One-on-One Project Development


One-on-One Project Development

Through the Sacramento River Funding Area (SRFA) Disadvantaged Community Involvement Program, the Rural Community Assistance Corporation (RCAC) is available to work with disadvantaged community water and wastewater system managers, operators, and boards on an “as requested” and “as needed” basis to assist in one-on-one project development. Please contact RCAC directly to arrange a meeting:
contact RCAC for assistance

Pablo Figueroa, Regional Environmental Manager
Rural Community Assistance Corporation
(916) 447-9832

About RCAC

RCAC is a nonprofit organization that provides training, technical and financial resources and advocacy to low-income rural communities in California and the western United States. RCAC’s experienced instructors provide a broad range of trainings across the region to Tribal, small municipal, and other water and wastewater systems personnel to achieve compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act and the Clean Water Act, and to self-help grantee organizations. RCAC also provides community development opportunities through training, such as leadership and entrepreneurial development and housing counseling.

Most of RCAC’s trainings are funded under Drinking Water State Revolving Fund contracts. Additionally, RCAC provides training to small, rural utilities under grants and contracts with the Environmental Protection Agency, Health and Human Services, Department of Agriculture, Indian Health Services, Housing and Urban Development, and other public and private funding sources.

RCAC also offers loan programs to assist with financing safe drinking water and waste disposal systems, affordable housing, individual household and small water system infrastructure, essential community facilities, and small business loans.

Please visit RCAC’s website for more information about their services: